Sunday, November 6, 2011

A Quick Thanks

Just wanted to say a quick "thanks" to all the great feedback I've been getting about this blog. I've heard many great memories and I'm glad I have the opportunity to share some of the clippings and videos I've researched throughout the years. Growing up in the 70's and 80's it was easy to pass off television as the "electric babysitter" or a "waste of time", however at least as a kid, TV was our culture. Not only did we watch it, it was what we played on the playground at school, the toys we played with, on our lunchboxes, became our art class projects, we made friends through our mutual love for a certain TV show, became part of our initial identity through the shows we liked and for some, it even became a career!  Anyways, thanks for letting me share what is a major part of my life and look forward to sharing more!

1 comment:

  1. I hope that you still monitor these blogs after 13 or so years! Just a quick note to thank you for having this blog! I was able to find one of your posts on the google machine! Watching Mike Landess, Ed Sardella and Bill Kuster on one of your clips brings back memories! I thought it was the most awesome thing when our school took a field trip to see Larry Campbell and Bill Kuster do a newscast at noon! Thanks again!
